There is an excellent chance that modern-day UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin. UFOs and stories about alien beings are as old as humankind itself. Even The Old Testament seems inspired by ancient mythical texts about an alien species that created the human race. Looking back through history at all different cultures, belief systems, literature and even art, you’ll notice lots of hints at the origin of these beings and how they feel about humans.
There are a lot of loose ends and incomplete stories looking at all these ancient cultures since the beginning of writing. But there is a common theme within virtually all of them. They all seem to point to a catastrophic event around 13,000 years ago.
Almost every culture talks about some ‘gods-initiated’ flood nearly destroying humankind. The most famous one is of course the story in The Old Testament about Noah’s ark. But even The Zulu culture talks about a great flood around 13,000 years ago. They believe that around this time our Moon was created by alien beings, which cleared up the sky and changed our climate. However, this also led to a cataclysmic event, which they described as a giant flood and endless rain. They believe the Moon is hollow and artificially created to control Earth and humans. Fun fact: this isn’t that far-fetched, looking at the scientific data.
Researching all the stories from all these cultures, it seems like someone interfered and kick-started the human race as we know it. The missing link where we almost instantly went from hairy ape-like primates to naked intelligent beings can be solved by the ancient alien hypothesis. The Sumerian culture, one of the oldest known advanced civilizations, talked plenty about our origins and wrote it down on their clay tablets. They believed the human race was created by extraterrestrial beings they called the Annunaki.
After hundreds of thousands of years of tweaking their creation, the Anunnaki finally created the perfect Humanoid, which they called the Adama. As referenced later in the Book of Genesis (which is based on the Sumerian texts), Adam and Eve were the first main bloodline of modern humans.
The Annunaki are described as a very relatable hierarchical species, and it seemed like humans even resembled how they looked. Their goal was that the Adama would be smart enough to work and obey. Also, they made sure we wouldn’t inherit their long lifespan. But it didn’t quite work out. Their Adama became rebellious and even had romantic relationships with the Annunaki, which led to offspring called the Nephilim.
Because of human affairs, the internal polarization became so enormous that the Annunaki came into conflict with each other, which led to war. There was a faction that believed that humans should thrive on their own, and there was a faction that felt they should terminate us. Eventually, this conflict led to The Great Flood around 13,000 years ago.
Some believe the flood happened because of a nuclear war between these factions, or maybe they initiated something by using the Moon (if we take the Zulu scripture seriously). Whatever the cause: The result was a great flood meant to wipe us out. Luckily for us, the other faction saved a small percentage of us.
After the flood, they tried to rebuild human society by helping us with language, writing, agriculture, astronomy, and architecture. It’s believed that the Sumerian culture directly resulted from all this knowledge, which is what they thought so themselves. But all good things come to an end. Somewhere along the way, the Annunaki left Earth. Maybe they were confident enough about our progress, or perhaps they gave up. Whatever the reason, it seems they left us alone, at least for the most part.
So the questions are obvious: Where did they go, and what are they up to? Some believe they never left entirely. If they were capable of creating us to help them, it’s not that far-fetched to assume they’ve created another species to do their dirty work. Who knows what advancements they made? Some believe the famous gray-aliens with big heads and big black eyes are just another worker race created by them to monitor us in their absence.
Most believe they kept monitoring our progress and became very concerned about our nuclear capabilities. That’s why there’s been a massive uptake in UFO and alien encounters since the 50s, especially around military bases where nuclear weapons are stored.
So where are they stationed if they’re still around? There are some places on Earth you can easily hide, even from our most advanced measurement tools. For example, it seems something is going on below our oceans, since the navy reports many advanced UAPs going in and out. We all know about the now famous tic-tac video from the navy that shows something intelligent is operating these advanced crafts.
But let’s not forget they’re not bound to Earth. Our Moon for example seems like a great place to hide. It’s known that the astronauts that went to the Moon had some strange UFO encounters around the craters that they were forbidden to discuss.
Looking at all the UFO encounters, there seems to be an enormous operation going on to say the least. People are reporting UFO encounters daily around the globe. Not only common people, but there are also lots of reports from military personnel and people within other government agencies. It’s real, it’s enormous, and it seems that if they try to hide from us, it’s becoming more difficult. Let’s hope the ongoing disclosure will give us some clarity on what exactly is going on and if the story of the Annunaki is accurate.