Disclosure is upon us, at least in some form. Some say it’s happening since 2017 when the now famous tic-tac videos went public and were acknowledged as authentic by the US government. Since then, we see an entirely changed perception of the phenomena. No longer ridiculed by the media, but taken seriously.
Even the US Senate is highly involved and recently orchestrated an official hearing on the subject. And as confirmed last week, even NASA will officially investigate the phenomena.
So yes. Disclosure is happening. It’s different from what most UFO enthusiasts imagined. Most of them believed there would be a truth bomb during an official press conference given by the president of the United States. They choose another path, which some call soft disclosure.
It’s a slow and delicate process. The ones that control the narrative (let’s call them “they”) need to change the perceptions of the entire human race on a subject that has been mocked for more than 70 years. And they don’t want to look bad during the process, which appears to me like a very challenging task ahead.
Also, the angle they’ll choose is what worries me. They are pushing for a military approach where the only concern seems to be the country’s safety on a military level. I’m not sure what their endgame is, but I don’t think they’re aiming for spiritual enlightenment.
So what happens after disclosure depends on the story they’ll tell in the coming years. Whatever their tale will be, I’m sure they will acknowledge the extraterrestrial origins of the phenomena. And that alone will force people around the globe to think about their own lives, beliefs, and religion. Some people will ignore it, and some will never believe it until they see it for themselves, but for most people, it will mean a complete paradigm shift.
One can only speculate what this will do, but it’s something that they’ve been terrified of happening. Maybe they’re primarily afraid people will wake up from the manmade power structures of control, which can lead to chaos and change they don’t want. So you can bet they’re trying to keep everyone afraid. And if they can frame disclosure around a threat, they might succeed, at least in the short term.