
2027: Disclosure, Aliens and the Aztec Prophecy

Fast forward to the year 2027, a year that has become a focal point in discussions among former intelligence operatives, journalists, political figures, and private enterprise leaders. This year has been intricately linked with a methodical, controlled release of information pertaining to UFOs and extraterrestrial existence. There’s a palpable sense of anticipation surrounding 2027, yet the specifics remain shrouded in mystery. What exactly is anticipated to transpire remains an intriguing question.

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Will Aliens intervene during a potential Nuclear World War?

Our western society is in a terrible state. The differences between rich and poor are getting bigger every day. Now even the most basic forms of comfort are under threat because of disturbing economic and geopolitical developments, and it’s getting worse by the day. This didn’t happen overnight, though. There are a lot of micro-movements that went on for many decades that eventually lead to the state we’re in now. A dangerous state where war is looming.

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The Alien connection within our origin story

There is an excellent chance that modern-day UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin. UFOs and stories about alien beings are as old as humankind itself. Even The Old Testament seems inspired by ancient mythical texts about an alien species that created the human race. Looking back through history at all different cultures, belief systems, literature and even art, you’ll notice lots of hints at the origin of these beings and how they feel about humans.

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The Mystery of ‘Black Triangle’ UFOs

When you research the UFO phenomenon, you will come across many stories that are not verifiable because there is simply no evidence and reliable witnesses. We all know the videos on YouTube that later turn out to be CGI, or stories that turn out to be completely made up. However, there are incidents that skeptical people have a hard time disproving. This includes the Belgian ‘flying triangles’ incident from 1990.

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Are UFOs and aliens hostile to us?

It’s time to address the issue of hostility. The military threat seems to be a leading topic during this disclosure process, which is highly concerning. Whether true or not, this will lead to the expansion of the military-industrial complex and keep us in a low vibrational state where fear, anger, and violence are leading.

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If UFOs are extraterrestrial, who’s controlling them?

Disclosure is finally happening, and it’s time to address the elephant in the room. UFOs are probably extraterrestrial. For most, this won’t come as a surprise, but the US government has recently acknowledged this as well. It’s a massive step in the disclosure process and will eventually lead to a public debate. The fact it’s probably extraterrestrial makes the situation much more complex than it already was.

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